Datacenter migration,Today, in many industries, there is a special "cold" tide in the data center market. In order to support the development of cloud computing, large data, and meet the needs of high density computing, the refrigeration mode of data center is facing change. All the big enterprises at home and abroad are actively developing new technologies and new products.
The latest news has aroused the attention of the industry. Microsoft has sunk a 12 meter long, nearly 3 meter capsule data center into Scotland waters. The data center is loaded with 864 servers and can store about 5 million films, which will provide high-speed cloud computing and Internet connectivity to the coastal areas of the Scotland islands.

Datacenter migration
Why does Microsoft data center go to the sea? Microsoft says it is mainly because of cost considerations. As the number and size of data centers continue to grow, the cooling costs of data centers are increasing, which is why many companies are building data centers in the scarce high and cold areas. For example, Facebook built the data center in the Arctic Circle, using external cold air to cool the data center. Therefore, the seafloor with natural advantages in temperature has also become a new target for data center builders.
In fact, in addition to making efforts in site selection, there is another very important direction for data center refrigeration technology innovation, liquid cooling. If the previous air cooling is to let the server blow the fan, then the liquid cooling is to allow the server to shower or bathe. At present, there are three main liquid cooling technologies in the industry: cold plate, spray and immersion.
In simple terms, cold plate liquid cooling is the flow of cooling water from the special water injection port, through the closed heat pipe flow into the main engine, take away the heat of CPU, memory and hard disk and other components. Spray liquid cooling is to transform the IT equipment and deploy the corresponding spray device. When the equipment is running, it will cool the heating device too high. In contrast, immersion liquid cooling is very special, it can be understood as the server bubble in the liquid, with very high cooling efficiency, but the immersion liquid cooling technology is very difficult, the industry only single machine test, single machine display, no server cluster deployment.
The concept of liquid cooling has appeared many years ago, but it has only begun to rise in recent years. This is mainly because with the rapid development of the data center industry, especially the deployment of high density and even ultra-high density servers, the challenges facing the data center refrigeration are increasingly severe. How to further reduce the high power consumption, how to achieve the green development of the data center while guaranteeing the performance, has become the concern of the industry. And the focus of the breakthrough.
At present, the mainstream manufacturers both at home and abroad are vigorously promoting the research of liquid cooling technology. In addition to the IBM and GRC companies in the United States, the Japanese 3M company, the domestic server manufacturers, represented by dawn, have also launched a series of liquid cooling products. It is particularly worth mentioning is that co founded by Alibaba, Tencent, China Telecom, Baidu, China Mobile, Chinese Information Communication Research Institute, Intel's data center in the field of well-known industry organization - Open Data Center Committee (ODCC), research is also promoting the liquid cooling technology, and formulate related standards.
With the increasing attention of liquid cooling technology, it is becoming a new selling point for some products, such as the mobile phone manufacturer millet has launched a black shark game mobile phone with built-in liquid cooling technology. As a game phone, black sharks need to solve the heat dissipation problem when they have high performance. As a result, the black shark introduced the "multi-level direct contact integrated liquid cooling system", and applied the new cooling technology applied to the mobile phone in the data center and PC.
Today, although liquid cooling is still in the primary stage of development, some concepts are still popularized, and the related technology is still not mature enough. However, with the increasing number and scale of data center, especially the increasing of computing density, the refrigeration mode of data center will face change, liquid cooling is expected to become a "new favorite".

    Datacenter migration
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